We just wanted to write to you and say that our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Some days will be harder than others and you may feel at times that it is just too hard or sad depending on what you are with behind the scenes both professionally and personally.
For us no day is the same. We have our four daughters at home with us and we are balancing between them and a number of video calls and phone calls, but so far we are doing okay.
This morning our thoughts were on our wider network – we can’t wait until the day we can physically meet again or see you. We will never take a physical meeting, hand shake or hug for granted again.
This is our digital and virtual hug to you, your teams and your family. Keep up your amazing work, both personally and professionally.
Don’t feel bad or guilty for having days when you just want to stop and do nothing. Self care is critical because we can’t pour/serve from an empty glass. It is our hope and desire to see you soon.
Take care of yourself and stay safe.
Lots of Love,
Nathan & Sabrina Dennis, Founder & CEO #LegacyConsultants